Tracking Better® with Sports Performance

Fast-track to 
this season.

Competing in FLOW is the ultimate in sports performance - now you don't have to hope that the magic just happens on the day...

  • Document the key elements of your best game,
  • So you can dial right back into it any place, any time, any pressure,
  • Bring your best game exactly when you need it.


Download the FLOW Journal to start fast-tracking

Fast-Track to FLOW


You don't have to get to the Big League or Institutes of Sport to get performance accelerating sports psychology.

In just 12 breaths you can fast-track to FLOW every training session, every match, to become the athlete you want to be.

It's all about 12 BREATHS

1st x 4 breaths FEEL : Find out the things you need to track

2nd x 4 breaths FOCUS : Learn how to refocus your body and mind

3rd x 4 breaths FLOW: Then shift gear into high performance

The Player - is this you?

"I train so hard but nerves get in the way on the important days and no one gets to see my hard work."

"I get scared the coach will get angry with me for not doing what they asked, or stuffing up"

"I do all these good-luck things, because I don't know if I'll have a good day, I wish I had more control"

with Tracking Better®

  • I don't mind if I get nervous anymore I just check-in and notice my nerves (FEEL), breathe and ground my body to let go of the negative stuff (FOCUS), and then visualize the key ingredients of my best game (FLOW)
  • My coach is really helpful in pointing out which bit of my performance is not working so I can quickly target it and get back on track
  • Now I know how to switch on my best performance using my breathing (FOCUS), all I have to do is notice when I'm a bit off and fast-track back to FLOW.
I'm here to compete so send me the FLOW Journal to get started

The Coach - is this you?

"I have great junior players who just choke with nerves - What's the best way to teach them how to manage this?"

"When I give them instruction about how to lift their game they take it as criticism and shutdown more or burst into tears".

"I'd love to be able to teach my players how to bring their best game exactly when they need it!"

with Tracking Better®

  • Players learn to track their nerves and understand they're normal (FEEL), then refocus their body and mind (FOCUS) and switch to their pre-packaged FLOW mode (FLOW)
  • Teach your players the technical language of high performance so when you ID they're not at their best, it's a technical discussion about lifting their game
  • Coach for confidence with using breathing, mindfulness and grounding (FOCUS) as a hard wired switch to move from poor performance to their best game .

Switching back to our best game, no matter what was happening in the match, meant we just kept bringing-it as a team - all we had to do was track when we'd moved out of FLOW, so we could get right back in.

— Olivia, State and National indoor netball player - Victoria, Australia

Meet Deeta.

Dr Deeta Kimber is a Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist who has worked in hard-to-get-to places including juvenile and adult prisons regional Australia and remote Indigenous Communities.

These testing environments have led to the creation of red-dirt tested psychological strategies that can be used on-the-go to perform under all kinds of pressure.

In Fast Track to FLOW Deeta has combined the key pillars of the Australian Institute of Sports sports psychology curriculum with her red-dirt approach and is now ready to teach you - player or coach - how to bring your best game exactly when you need it.

Supporting education and training

Hit your A-Game by Tracking Better® with

In just 12 breaths

What are you waiting for? Reach your full potential on—and off— by simply Tracking Better® at Performance !