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Ready for a Polyvagal Pivot?

Find calm, connection & confidence from within - it all starts with a Pulscheck.

Are you a teacher or clinician ready to break free from being overwhelmed? Master your stress response with a simple, science-based framework.

When you learn how to do a Pulsecheck you can move to physiological regulation of your stress system, and this time get results.

Understand, Track, and Transform Your Stress in 12 Breaths
Pulsecheck is your roadmap to overcoming the stress cycle. In just six weeks, you'll learn to:

  • Map Your Stress: Recognize and understand your unique stress responses.
  • Create a Personal Regulation Plan: Build tools to stay regulated, no matter what.
  • Elevate Self-Care: Practice targeted techniques to feel more in control and connected.

Price: $247
Access: 12 weeks of immersive learning

Enrol now!

The Polyvagal Pivot is a Game-Changer

  • Polyvagal Theory explains our dual-track coping system—a voluntary social engagement mode and an involuntary triggered survival mode.
    Regulation requires a shift: social engagement can use thinking and talking, while survival mode needs physiological regulation to return to self-control.
  • New tools for stress control.
    Traditional stress management focuses on conscious coping and ignores automatic survival responses. The Polyvagal Pivot helps you regulate both systems for more effective stress control.
  • Regulate with precision.
    Most regulation advice is generic. The Polyvagal Pivot guides you through three steps—breathing, signaling safety, and rebalancing survival energy—to shift back to social engagement.
  • Feel safe and connected.
    Safety alone doesn't shift survival mode; connection is crucial. Learn to cultivate both, returning to calm and social engagement.
  • Stop stress from spreading.
    Stress can trigger reactive survival mode in others. Understanding how stress spreads allows you to de-escalate effectively and create supportive environments.
  • Self-care that works.
    Constant exposure to stress harms well-being and performance. The Polyvagal Pivot prioritizes self-regulation, so you care for yourself and others more effectively.

What You Will Learn in This Course:

  • Understanding the Polyvagal Theory
    Gain a deep understanding of the nervous system and its role in stress, trauma, and resilience.
  • Learn to track stress-triggering
    You can't control what you can't detect so learning your unique stress profile helps you tune into when you've been triggered into survival mode so you can do something about it
  • Mastering Self-Regulation
    Develop prescriptive techniques to shift out of survival mode and into a state of calm and connection.
  • Identifying your triggers
    Learn to uncover what your body detects as a threat so you can prepare for it or deal with it after you have regulated back to your best coping system.
  • Cultivating Co-Regulation
    Understand the infective nature of survival mode triggering at a physiological level. Learn how to create safe and supportive environments that foster connection and healing.
  • Applying the Polyvagal Pivot in Your Work
    Discover how to integrate these principles into your professional practice to improve outcomes for yourself and those you serve.

"Stress triggering is highly infectious, so learn to quickly regulate your own stress before you calm your student or client!"

Give your current approach a Pulsecheck upgrade.

The Zones of Regulation, Safe Wards, Dialectic Behavioural Therapy, and Narrative Therapy each offer powerful strategies to support both staff, students or clients in developing self-regulation skills and fostering positive change. These approaches help individuals to recognize their distress and emotional states, understand their triggers, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Integrating a Polyvagal lens can significantly enhance these approaches.

By understanding the nervous system's responses to stress and safety with greater specificity, educators and clinicians can create environments that promote a sense of safety and connection from first principles. This integration can help identify the underlying physiological states driving behaviours, enabling more targeted and compassionate interventions. It can also support the development of co-regulation skills, where educators and clinicians can model and guide self-regulation by remaining calm and attuned even in challenging situations.  

Remember, Pulsecheck's first course emphasizes the importance of educators and clinicians developing their own Polyvagal regulation as a foundational step which goes on to naturally and intuitively inform their teaching/learning approaches or clinical care, creating a ripple effect of positive change for everyone involved.

Add a Polyvagal Upgrade

Meet Deeta.

Dr. Deeta Kimber, a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, developed the Tracking Better program, including Pulsecheck, after dedicating her career to working in challenging environments like prisons and remote communities. These were environments where more that the standard model were required.

Her approach is trauma-informed, with Stephen Porges's Polyvagal theory at its core. Through Pulsecheck, she offers a practical, hands-on program that empowers individuals to regain control of their lives and pursue their passions.

Pulsecheck components




Mobile Lessons

Notes & Reflective




What you get with Pulsecheck.

Everybody learns differently, so Pulsecheck offers a variety of learning modalities to make sure we find one that suits you.

The course will help you transcend the outdated "fight-or-flight" model and gain a profound understanding of your autonomic nervous system's three primary states: the calm and connected Social Engagement state, the energized Fight-or-Flight state, and the protective Freeze/Immobilization state.

You'll learn to recognise the subtle signals your body and mind send when stress is building, enabling you to create a personalized plan for staying calm and focused even in the face of challenges.

The course will equip you with real-time techniques for effectively identifying and navigating stress triggers, fostering personal growth and healing from past traumas.

Ultimately, you'll strengthen your ability to connect with and support yourself and those around you, creating a ripple effect of well-being in your personal and professional life.


10 Daily Podcasts

Prefer learning on the go? Our 10 daily podcasts offer an alternative way to engage with the course content. Listen in your car, during your morning walk, or whenever it fits into your busy schedule. Each podcast is packed with insights and practical advice to help you implement what you learn.


Interactive Mobile-Based Micro-Lessons

Engage with bite-sized, visually rich lessons delivered straight to your mobile device. Over the course of 2 weeks, you'll complete 15-20 minute daily micro-lessons, five days a week. These interactive lessons are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, making it easy to learn on the go.


Gamified Learning Experience

Learning doesn't have to be boring! Pulsecheck incorporates gamified elements to keep you motivated and engaged. Earn rewards, track your progress, and challenge yourself to master the material in a fun and interactive way.


Downloadable Notes and Learning Journal

Enhance your learning experience with comprehensive downloadable notes. Reflect on your progress and solidify your understanding with a dedicated learning journal designed to help you track your journey and celebrate your growth.


10 Guided Meditations

Take your learning even deeper with our guided meditations. These 10 sessions are designed to reflect and reinforce the daily lessons, helping you to not only understand the material but also to experience a sense of calm and clarity. These meditations are perfect for those moments when you need to step back, breathe, and center yourself.

Pulsecheck Curriculum.

Start Here:

Discover the two modes your body operates in - Social Mode for calm and connection, and Survival Mode for fight, flight, or freeze responses - and learn how to switch back to Social Mode using the 12-Breath Reset.

Lesson 1: Science of Stress:

Explore the science of stress, learn how adrenaline triggers Survival Mode, and understand the importance of tracking stress across your head, body, legs, and teamwork to manage it effectively.

Lesson 2: Track My Red Zone & Activate My Green Zone:

Identify your "Red Zone" (stress) and "Green Zone" (calm) and learn techniques to activate your Green Zone when stressed, including deep breathing and incorporating Green Zone activation into your daily life.

Lesson 3: Uncovering ALL the Stress Zones:

Delve deeper into the five stress zones (Green, Amber, Pink, Red, and Blue) and learn how to recognize them early to manage stress effectively throughout the day.

Lesson 4: Tracking Triggers - Internal & External:

Understand internal and external triggers that lead to stress, and learn how to track and manage them for better stress control.

Lesson 5: Breathe for Control:

Master diaphragmatic breathing to regulate stress, transition from shallow to deep breathing, and understand its role in the 12-Breath Reset.

Lesson 6: Show Your Body It's Safe:

Learn how to make your body feel safe by engaging the nervous system, creating a safe environment, and using visualization techniques.

Lesson 7: Work with the Body:

Explore how sensory and movement inputs influence stress levels and utilize the OMG mnemonic (Orient, Move, Grasp) for effective stress regulation.

Lesson 8: Supporting Yourself in the Right Zone: Differentiate between survival mode and social mode regulation, and learn to apply the right strategies based on your stress zone, including self-talk and the OMG mnemonic.

Your Turn: Goal Setting & Big Adventures:

Apply stress regulation techniques to set and achieve goals, pursue big adventures, and use calm optimism to overcome challenges.

"Your nervous system holds the key.

Learn to turn the key and unlock your potential."

Purchase the Pulsecheck Z-card

The Pulsecheck course offers a deep dive into stress tracking and regulation techniques. To enhance your learning and make these techniques even more accessible, consider pairing the course with the Pulsecheck Z-card.

This handy, fold-out card provides a quick reference guide to the key concepts and strategies covered in the course. It allows you to track your stress levels and build a personalized regulation prescription on the go.

Whether new to Polyvagal Theory or looking to deepen your practice, the Pulsecheck Z-card is a valuable tool for integrating these powerful techniques into your daily life.

Purchase Pulsecheck Z-card



How much does it cost?

Pulse check is $247 as a one-off payment. This will give you 12 weeks of access to the lesson so you can access it as a refresher. But you will also download the full lecture notes, reflection tasks, 10 podcasts and 10 guided meditations to keep.

How do I know it's for me?

The better we manage our stress, the more we can do it because we know how to pick ourselves up and get back on with things. This course starts from scratch but is the complete package to give you an understanding of the science of stress triggering and how to reset to your best coping.

Who is it for?

Pulsecheck is an introductory course for anyone who wants to learn about stress. It is targeted for educators, health workers, youth workers, or interested individuals.

How much do I have to participate?

10 interactive lessons run for approximately 20 minutes. You are invited to spend a few minutes reflecting on what you have learned in the lesson to deepen your integration of the new knowledge. In addition, you can listen to the lesson podcast, which covers the same material, or listen to the daily guided meditation.

When can I get started?

Pulsecheck is a mobile phone-based course so if it's charged and you've enrolled, you're ready to start. It's designed as self-directed learning that runs over 10, two weeks with weekends off! We call it a six week course because we recommend you do it in three passes: ten daily podcasts for two weeks, ten interactive mobile lessons for two weeks and finish with ten daily guided meditations for two weeks.

Do I have to complete the course in 2 weeks?

You can take as much time as you need! We all learn at different paces; some people like to binge, while others like to slowly move through the content with time to integrate it into their map of the world. This is why the course has been designed for different learning styles (read, interact, gamified, listen or visualise).  

Can groups learn at the same time?

Yes, you can all move through the lessons as a cohort, whether at staff induction training or as part of coordinated CPD.  There are class-based exercises and discussion topics for cohorts to enhance their learning. To access this organisations will need to contact us.

Are there any other courses in this series?

Yes. Pulsecheck is the first course, but you can move on to learn about how to help others regulate their stress, how to set goals and how to pivot your teaching or clinical practice to support people with Autism.  

Tracking Better® Introductory Series

This is the introductory courses and takes the learner through stress tracking and regulation, coregulation principles and goal setting and finally how to pivot your practice to working with autism.


Fast-Track To BETTER!

Tracking Better® Pro Series.

This series is for teachers and educational aides, nurses, doctors and health workers and shows them how to take the Tracking Better principles and create regulation plans and coregulation and goal setting plans for students and clients.

It also teaches the basic principles of improving self control, stress and emotional regulation, and healing from trauma.

Tracking Better® Trainer Series.

This series is by application only. It requires completion of the practitioner course.

This is a train the trainer format, where learners will be able to train and support these courses themselves.

Disclaimer: This course is intended as psychoeducational material designed to help individuals better understand and manage their personal stress responses. It is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor does it qualify the reader to provide treatment to others. If you are in danger, experiencing a crisis, or are unwell, it is your responsibility to seek immediate assistance from a qualified healthcare provider or emergency services. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of this material, which is solely for educational purposes.

© 2024 Dr. Deeta Kimber. All rights reserved.