A: What I think - HEAD
B: What I feel - BODY
C: What I do - LEGS
D: How I connect - TEAM
Map Your Green Zone
Map Your Red Zone
Visual Charts Make It Easier
Use the pictures below to help find the right word to describe what's happening in your head, body, legs and teamwork.
Outside triggers
Inside triggers
Tassie Devil
Squawking Cockatoo
Runaway Emu
Busy Bee
Hypervigilant Rock Wallaby
Sleeping Frog (FREEZE)
Day Dream Koala
Echidna on strike
Passive Possum
Physiology of diaphragmatic breathing
Sinus arrhythmia (heard beat changes breath to breath)
Figure out what works for you
Bring it all together with a 12-Breath Reset
Cue to safety: The second step to cross the bridge
Safe space
Safe 4-ways
Safe distance
See & hear
Grasp (Touch)
Taste & smell
Congratulations, you have mapped your stress zones, know how to regulate in, and know what it feels like to fly!
All the best as you take this knowledge forward!
And just remember, the minute you feel stressed, just use the 12 breath reset to fast track to flow, and learn, grow and heal one breath at a time! xxx